Nik Aziz: Joining Pakatan was a correct and collective decision

Nik Aziz’s Facebook
  • Nik Aziz looking at the front page report of Sinar Harian today.

    Nik Aziz looking at the front page report of Sinar Harian today.

    PETALING JAYA (Sept 15): PAS spiritual advisor Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said PAS’ decision to join Pakatan Rakyat was not made by only a few individuals but a collective decision made by the party leaders.
    The decision was later strengthened during the annual PAS Muktamar after the 2008 general election and is also a correct move because it fits the reality of this country’s politics.
    He was responding to Sinar Harian’s front page report today which quoted Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib seeking for the party’s Syura Council to review the Tahaluf Siyasi (political understanding) in Pakatan.
    Nik Abdul Aziz believed it was the right decision as it had shone PAS on Malaysia’s political stage and presented Islam to the non-Muslims in a different way compared to what has been done by the ruling party.
    “This decision was never wrong. It even brought forward PAS in Malaysia’s political stage. More meaningful than that, PAS has successfully presented Islam to the non-Muslims in a way that has never been done by Umno.
    “Umno has not only kept non-Muslims away from Islam but even caused Muslims to distance themselves from their religious understanding,” the veteran politician wrote in a statement posted on his official Facebook page today.
    He said within Pakatan, the Islamic approach brought by PAS was never opposed and even DAP leaders had come to him to discuss issues pertaining to Islamic values.
    “PAS must move forward. The experience of being an Islamic movement for more than a century had appropriately taught PAS that to stay relevant in the country’s political stage, PAS must understand the political climate,” he added.
    He said as long as it does not go against the basic Shariah principles, PAS should not restrict itself in a limited way of thinking, adding it is compulsory for PAS to present the best of Islam to Malaysians as its struggle is in the name of Islam.
    “True, we would like to pursue victory in the elections, but bear in mind that PAS as an Islamic movement also holds a big responsibility to carry out preaching works on the political stage.
    “Thus, PAS’ existence in Pakatan definitely is not a mistake, but it a very correct decision looking at the reality of the country’s politics,” he said.
    However, he welcomes any study to be done with regards to PAS’ standing within Pakatan, but it has to be meant only for improvisation purpose and not otherwise.
    “The study should not be meant to move backward (withdraw from Pakatan) as this would only serve to give life buoys to Umno that is drowning,” said Nik Aziz. –
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